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Creating Google Team Calendars

Applicable packages Leave Time HR Essentials HR Success

Required Roles Team Manager HR Manager Administrator ADU Manager

Important notes

  1. If you would like to share the calendars you have created with employees from domains or employees who do not have Google accounts, then please refer to Google's documentation how to share calendars with them.
  2. The owner of the Google Team Calendar will be the Google Workspace Administrator that was configured in the Google Workspace integration settings   
  3. Google Workspace employees can have their requests synced to their personal/primary Google Calendars.
  4. You can also configure Appogee HR to ensure that employee's requests are synced to their personal calendar, you can find the steps on how to turn this on or off here.

Creating a Google Team Calendar

To create a Google Team Calendar, you will need to go to Leave > Admin & Config > Google Team Calendars.

To create a new Google Team Calendar, click on the 'Create Google Team Calendar' button

Main Details Tab

If you are creating a new Google Team calendar, you will need to specify the following:

  • Select the team, where the requests should be synchronized to the Google Calendar
    • If you wish to create a company-wide Google Calendar, then from the dropdown list next to Team - you should select All Teams.
  • Please note that if you do not specify the name for the Google Team Calendar, then the default name will be "Leave: Team Name"

Sync Settings Tab

In the sync settings tab, select what you want to be displayed in the calendar as highlighted below:

Access Settings Tab

In the Access Settings tab, you should select who should be able to view this Google Team Calendar.

The options are:

  1. Team Managers: The managers of the team associated with this Google Team Calendar will be able to view to this Google Team Calendar
  2. Team Members & Team Managers
  3. All Active Users: All Google Apps users who are Active in Appogee Leave will be able to view this Google Team Calendar

The Allow others in the domain to manually subscribe to this calendar option controls whether other users in the domain can manually subscribe. 

Please note that the Allow others in the domain to manually subscribe to this calendar option will not work if you have multiple Google Workspace domains as the Google Calendar API does not support this. The calendar owner can turn the option off in Appogee HR and share the calendar manually within Google Calendar if needed.

Calendar Visibility Settings

Once you've set up your Google Team Calendar, you may want to change the visibility settings of the events. This feature allows you to choose what the event label looks like for each event within the calendar. 

Go to Leave > Admin & Config > General Settings and choose from the dropdown under 'Calendar Event Label'. 

Another setting you may wish to look into is the event type - free or busy. This can be set up for each Leave Type, so that when you view your calendar, you can see whether the leave means you're busy, e.g. Annual Leave, or free, e.g. Working from Home. 

Go to Leave > Admin & Config  > Leave Types.

Select a Leave Type and at the bottom, select Free or Busy. 

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