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How to update and track Goals

Applicable packages Leave Time HR Essentials HR Success

Required Roles Team Manager HR Manager Administrator ADU Manager

In this article:

Key Results

Goal Status

Goal progress over time

Check ins & Shout outs


Once a Goal has been approved and moved into Current status, it's possible to update and keep track of it using a variety of features. 

Key Results

Key Results are the main way to update your Goal progress.

Click on a Key Result to open it up and enter a new value in the box.

The progress bar of the Key Result will update based on the change from the current to the new value. 

Once you click Update, the overall progress percentage of the Goal will be updated too. 

The outside percentage circle shows you the Goal progress, while the inside circle shows you the elapsed time. 

Goal Status

As soon as at least one Key Result has been updated, the status of your Goal will change from Not Started to In Progress. 

You can manually change the status of your Goal to At Risk or Blocked. 

Once all Key Results have been completed and the Goal progress percentage hits 100%, the status will change to Achieved.

Goals progress over time

Every time you update a Key Result, this will also update the Goal Progress over time chart. Each represents a Key Result, with the grey line being the average of all Key Results. The more often you update your Key Results, the more populated and accurate the graph will become. 

By default, the chart will be zoomed into the current period, but you can click the Show Full Timeline box to view the progress chart to the end of the Goal period. 

Check-ins & Shout outs

Check-ins provide a simple way to log progress, separate from updating a Key Result. This could be used to add more context to the progress of the Goal or to ask other contributors for further information about the Goal. 

Any collaborator on a Goal can be recognized for special praise by using the Shout-out medal button.  Not only will this show on the timeline but it will also be visible on the contributions leaderboard to highlight their efforts.


Tasks provide a trackable “to-do” list which can detail the actions being taken to deliver the Key Results. 

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