In this article:
Checklists are essentially to-do lists that may be assigned to you, in order for a process to be completed.
You may be assigned a Checklist to complete, or given access to a joint Checklist, where you can action some of the items.
You'll receive an email notification if you have been assigned all or part of a Checklist and you can access the Checklist from the email or by going to your Actions in Appogee HR.
Completing Checklists
Open the Checklist to view the items. You'll see which items have been assigned to you in the Assigned To column or by clicking the 'Show My Assignments' toggle.
Click the yellow button on the right hand side to mark your items as done, you can optionally add comments using the speech bubble icon.
You'll see the progress percentage updates when each item is ticked off and the section progress bar updates too. Once all items in a checklist are completed, the section progress bar turns green.
Once all items are completed, the Checklist will be submitted.