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How do I update an employee's name or email address?

Applicable packages Leave Time HR Essentials HR Success

Required Roles Team Manager HR Manager Administrator ADU Manager

Because email addresses must be unique, and they are usually under the control of an authorised administrator of a company, Appogee HR uses them as the key to identifying a user.  For this reason care must be taken when changing them.  The most common reasons for changing names or email addresses is by reason of marriage (typically one-off changes), or company domain change (bulk changes).  This article concentrates on individual name changes - for Domain changes see our article on Domain Update Configuration.

The way to update names and email addresses depends on how user's sign in (authenticate) to Appogee HR.

For users signing in at the Login prompt with username and password:

1. Click on user profile

2. Change name on Main Details tab

3. To change email address, click Options button > Change Email Address

Appogee HR will ensure that all the data originally associated with the former name/email will now be associated with the new name/email.  The change will be included in the audit log and visible to HR Managers.

For users who sign in by clicking an integrated office sign in button (Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace) :

These changes must be made in the controlling office suite and the synced into Appogee HR.

1. Update name/email address in Google Admin console or Office 365 portal

2. On Appogee HR, click on user profile

3. Click Options button > Sync with G- or Sync with Office 365

Appogee HR will recognise any new names that are sync'd in, and will user the alias email address that gets created in the office suite when a name change occurs there to match the former name to the new name, and then map the data across.

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